New Network Setup: Directly Connecting OOB Switches to Management Port for Improved Management Efficiency - Cisco Community

2023-03-21 05:40:05 By : Ms. Sally xie
Connecting to management port from oob switch - Cisco Community

Are You Ready for Efficient Network Traffic Visibility?

In a world where network traffic visibility is of utmost importance, having the right tools to capture, replicate and aggregate traffic without packet loss can make a significant difference. At Mylinking, we specialize in providing network traffic visibility solutions that help organizations monitor and analyze their network data traffic in real-time, enabling them to make informed decisions about their infrastructure.

Our solutions are designed to capture and replicate network traffic, even from out of band switches, which are directly connected to the management port of various switches. Our devices enable organizations to monitor their network traffic, identify areas of concern, and prioritize critical data, leading to improved network performance and efficiency.

Connecting to management port from oob switch - Cisco Community

We understand that network problems can cause significant operational disruptions, and that is why we provide a suite of network data visibility solutions that include packet brokers, taps, and filtering devices to monitor your infrastructure. Our solutions can work with any network infrastructure, regardless of size or complexity.

Our packet brokers capture network traffic at key locations, enabling you to replicate and aggregate the relevant information and distribute it to the appropriate tools - IDS, APM, NPM, monitoring, and analysis systems. Our tap devices replicate selected traffic, delivering it to the appropriate destination while eliminating interference from the network infrastructure. Additionally, our filtering devices enable you to filter out unwanted traffic, ensuring that only the relevant data reaches the right tools.

Our devices are designed to provide network packet visibility without loss, capturing all network activity that can be analyzed, enabling organizations to monitor data traffic, identify critical data, and make informed decisions. We provide network visibility 24x7, using our innovative solutions that work even in the most demanding and complex networks and environments.

In conclusion, having efficient network traffic visibility is essential for any organization looking to remain competitive in today's digital world. At Mylinking, we understand the importance of having the right tools and solutions to capture, replicate and aggregate network data traffic without packet loss. We provide our customers with the right packet to the right tools, ensuring that they can make more informed decisions and take timely actions to optimize their network infrastructure. Contact us today and let us help you keep your network traffic visible and efficient.