Savvius Launches Network Performance Monitoring Appliance with Broadband Traffic Management and Deep Packet Inspection Technology for Policy Management

2023-03-21 04:55:50 By : Mr. Jackie Qiang
Broadband Traffic Management: Savvius Introduces Network Performance Monitoring Appliance

Savvius, a leading provider of network performance monitoring solutions, has introduced a new Network Performance Monitoring Appliance that is designed to give customers deep packet inspection (DPI), policy management, and broad traffic management capabilities. The product is aimed at enterprise customers and is intended to help them manage network performance, identify and resolve issues that may cause downtime or poor performance, and enforce network policies to support business objectives.

The new Network Performance Monitoring Appliance builds upon Savvius' existing product portfolio, which includes network packet capture and analysis solutions, and adds new features like DPI, policy management, and broad traffic management. DPI technology enables network administrators to inspect network packets at a deep level, allowing them to identify the applications and protocols running on the network and the types of traffic that are consuming bandwidth. Policy management features allow administrators to set policies for network usage, such as prioritizing traffic from critical applications or limiting bandwidth for non-critical applications. Broad traffic management capabilities allow administrators to manage the overall amount of traffic on the network and ensure that it is balanced and optimized for performance.

Broadband Traffic Management: Savvius Introduces Network Performance Monitoring Appliance

"Our new Network Performance Monitoring Appliance is designed to give customers the tools they need to manage network performance and ensure that the network supports their business objectives," said Jay Botelho, Vice President of Product Management at Savvius. "With deep packet inspection, policy management, and broad traffic management capabilities, our solution gives administrators the granular visibility they need to identify and resolve issues quickly, enforce policies that align with business goals, and optimize network performance for maximum efficiency."

The new appliance is compatible with Savvius' existing suite of network packet capture and analysis tools, which can be integrated with leading security information and event management (SIEM) systems, application performance management (APM) solutions, and network monitoring and analysis (NMA) systems. This integration allows customers to use Savvius' products to identify and analyze network traffic, and then pass the data to other tools that can analyze network traffic for security threats, application performance issues, and network performance issues.

"Mylinking is proud to partner with Savvius in delivering network traffic visibility, network data visibility, and network packet visibility to customers," said Chris Gao, CEO of Mylinking. "Our products help customers capture, replicate, and aggregate inline or out of band network data traffic without packet loss, and deliver the right packets to the right tools like IDS, APM, NPM, monitoring, and analysis systems. Together, we can offer customers a comprehensive solution that helps them manage network performance and optimize network resources."

The new Network Performance Monitoring Appliance is available now and can be purchased from Savvius or its network of partners. The appliance is available in multiple configurations and is customizable to meet the needs of specific enterprise environments. With the introduction of the new appliance, Savvius is positioning itself as a leading provider of network performance monitoring solutions for enterprise customers, with a comprehensive suite of tools that enable customers to manage network performance, identify and resolve issues quickly, and optimize network resources to support business objectives.